Batu Basurek is one of the historical relics in the area of
West Sumatra Batusanggkar . This stone is believed to originate from the time
of the kingdom first and sixth centuries old . Basurek using Java stone
inscription written in ancient Sanskrit .
Kingdom inscriptions Pagaruyung
This historical attraction is located in the village of Kubu
Rajo , Nagari Five Tribe , Batusanggkar . This stone is located at the top of
the tomb of King Adityawarman with ancient writing . Basurek stone width is 25
cm with a height of 8 cm , thickness 10 cm and weighs 50 kg . This stone was
first discovered by an expert in the history of the Netherlands was named PH
Van Hengst on December 16, 1880 . Basurek stone age has now reached 650 years .
Literally, Batu Basurek means stone inscribed . So , Batu Basurek
can mean a stone that bore the words and convey a specific message . Writings
contained in the rock is defined as follows : " Adityawarman advanced
mighty , he Kanakamedinindra ruler or Suwarnadwipa ( Sumatra or Golden Land ) .
His father Adwayawarman . He family Indra . "
History of Batu Basurek
Batu Basurek is one of the historical relics , which proves
the existence and prosperity of the Kingdom Pagaruyung in West Sumatra in the
past . Adityawarman was the son of Dara Orange , which comes from the
Dharmsraya , on the banks of the Batang Hari Jambi . However , this time
Dharmasraya is one district in West Sumatra . Dara 's father was a close
relative Orange Singosari kingdom .
It is not known exactly when and who wrote a message on this
rock . However , there are estimates that the stone was written around the year
1347 . Inscription This further strengthens the evidence for the existence and
power Adityawarman in stone cage .
However , the inscription does not provide clear information
about the coverage area kekuayaan Adityawarman at that time , if only limited
in Bantusangkar or cover the entire territory of Minangkabau . However , if
traced in more detail , the kings of existing customary in almost all regions
of West Sumatra province still has a lineage of kings Pagaruyung .
This further reinforces the notion that Adityawarman indeed
mastered the Minangkabau region in general .
Whatever the controversy behind the power Adityawarman ,
cultural heritage attraction Batu Basurek enrich our knowledge about kajayaan
Minangkabau kingdom in the past . You can visit the site 's cultural heritage
in a series of visits to Istano Pagaruyung because of its location adjacent
bases .