Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Remarkably, Indonesia has a kingdom of more than the plates on the table in the restaurant Padang . West Sumatra is really remarkable in presenting itself as the Minangkabau , a term that refers to the original language , ethnic groups and also certain areas . West Sumatra decorated by towering Tower House in each corner .
As iconic tourist destinations in West Sumatra , Tower House can be found in almost every corner of this province . As a symbol of Malay Minangkabau ethnic group that once ruled the land of West Sumatra , House Tower in the province can best be represented by one of the grandest houses , the palace Pagaruyung Bases , on the Golden Horn , Batusanggkar Tanah Datar , West Sumatra .

The palace burned in 2007 , then rebuilt with beautiful

Bases Pagaruyung three-story palace with 11 gonjong or roof tops as high as 60 meters with a roof of palm fiber . Palace wall filled with carvings typical Minangkabau , including two home tabuah , rangkiang broken sideline .
Pagaruyung name implies a Minangkabau kingdom that once ruled in the central region of Sumatra . Pagaruyung political territory is a region growing Minangkabaunya culture . Formerly occupied by the royal Dharmasraya , Malayapura kingdom ruled by a king named first Adityavarman , Java - Minangkabau descent , Pagaruyung located in Tanah Datar , West Sumatra , a hundred miles inland from the city of Padang , close to the beautiful Lake Batur .
Pagaruyung build their royal palace on a hill called broken rock hill , this place is actually a place called the original royal palace palace Linduang The Moon . Here the descendants of the king was still alive and protect the traditions , values ​​, and certainly historical artifacts . The palace is now located in the Golden Horn side of the road is actually a replica of the original palace and named the Palace Pagaruyung tongue .
Bases palace Pagaruyung almost flush with the ground due to a fire that occurred on February 27, 2007 as a result of tropical monsoon winds . The wind was so strong lightning strikes hit the palace and the palace horn section .
Instantly , according to witnesses , the palace on fire , when the monsoon winds stopped . Wind blowing debris lit none of those brave firefighters even closer to the palace area . Fire devoured everything including granary that stood approximately 80 meters from the palace .

Bases Pagaruyung palace , remains a tangible proof of the existence of the kingdom Pagaruyung

Memoirs written by Thomas Stamford Raffles Raffles Sophia who also mentions that in 1818 , Thomas S. Raffles visited Pagaruyung . Roaring war empire at that time , resulting in ruined castles . The palace was rebuilt in 1750 , The Palace of the Moon Linduang actually burned before in 1804 and constructed a simple in 1869 . Unfortunately , The Palace of the Moon back Linduang burned on August 3, 1961 and was not rebuilt until 1987 .

Bases palace Pagaruyung also never be reconstructed until 1975 and 1976

On December 27, 1974 , then Governor of West Sumatra , Aaron Zain , initiated the reconstruction of the palace which once flourished as a symbol of the greatness of the Minangkabau . He set up a replica of The Palace of the Moon on a piece of land Linduang legacy of the royal family . The palace named the Palace Bases Pagaruyung , the real legacy of the empire that once ruled Pagaruyung central Sumatra and around .
Tome Pires , a Portuguese writer and treasurer who was born in Lisbon to work as a maid Afonso de Albuquerque , the son of the king of Portugal John II , have a comprehensive record of the islands of Java , Sumatra , and the Moluccas in the 16th century , when he personally visited places that as long as he serves Portuguese . His book , Suma Oriental , describes vast areas Pagaruyung , which covers the east coast of Sumatra , Jambi , the west coast of Barus , Tiku , and Pariaman . Also included in this region are Indragiri , Siak , Arcat , and Kuantan . Traditional legend called Tambo Minangkabau also tell the size of the area Pagaruyung .
The palace is very easily accessed from Bukittinggi , Solok or Leopold. The palace is located in Tanah Datar , in the District Batusanggkar . Location on the side of the road is very easy to find , because of the large palace building that is easily visible from a distance.


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